Of all there was to behold in the hours after noon, there was a rider, continuing his unperturbed, comfortable pace through the forest he had become so accustomed to with time.
Whereas newcomers would shy away from this side of the environment, he found a quiet solace. The stresses of the daily toil ebbed away with travel; the waters remained a soothing influence, carrying away his wistful words lands far and in turn renewing his mind with a hush.
It was at this share of the day that the large beings inhabiting this part of their immense forest moved easily on the currents that would return and leave. Whether it was with one’s triumphant speed, another’s effortless grace, or, simply a gentle moving presence that sparked it, these inhabitants would rise as if to remind visitors of the life there is to be found among the pillars of centuries-old trees.
Intangible Moments personal project, 2017